Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ultimate Hugh Heward Update #23

Mark reports 7:45am
It rained all night. Rain still coming down as they break down camp this morning.
River is up 8" and flooded out their camp cook area. -At least the boats were pulled up high enough and they didn't have to play a game of "Marco Polo find the Sea Wind"

Mark reports that they will camp one more night on the Grand River before making it to the Lake.
Lake Michigan reports indicate that it is kicking out there. Big water pounding the shoreline, they welcome another night on the river till things calm down a bit.
The good news is there is blue sky in Wisconsin which is headed there way.


bjalgera said...

Do you happen to know where they plan on camping their last night on the Grand? I'm in Holland, MI and would love to say hi, maybe even bring some cookies!

K.C.A. said...

i think the best would be look at toby tracker and see where they land. you can get a few different looks at where the stop.