Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bush Whacker Awards!

The Celebrations begin and continues on into the night with stories of intrigue and adventure!
The Challengers agree, there is a sense of being ,working your way up river; feeling the current beneath you challenging your every stroke. You feel apart of something.


The minutes turn to hours and the hours to days. You start to realize your dream of finishing and then there is a portage and another river to be had. The process then starts all over again.
But now you don't want the event to end, you are in sync with all around you. You are more efficient, your stroke improved you are having the adventure of a life time... That something has now been realized; You are one of the few that have been completely and utterly Bush Whacked.


Big thanks to all the volunteers and competitors for their participation. Now back away from the river slowly, time to go back to the world, till next time.


The Capt'n

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