With a crisp new Sea Wind right out of the wrapper; proves to be his boat of choice. As a small boat sailor "Sea Pearl" turned paddler, JC is hooked on WaterTribe.
Question: Paddling adventures?
Yikes...They are few and far between. Maybe it's better if you don't publish some of this until I get off the start beach!
Where's your head at preparing for a 1200 mile challenge?
If I had dreams and aspirations for this race, it would be to have a great time, finish somewhere around 21 days..and if we're still talking about dreams, maybe feel well enough in body and spirit at the finish to challenge Wizard to a race back to his house.
Something tells me RunningMouth is going to fit right in. He ain't no mama's boy! His heart and attitude is going to take this newcomer along way! Hopefully 1200 miles and then some.
The Captain Reporting
1 comment:
I love this guy...(also playing with my account so the right email shows when i post)
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