Sunday, July 6, 2014

Missouri River 340 ~ Pre-Race

Bob Bradford, Jerry Davis, Everett Crozier & Toby
Everett Crozier & Jerry Davis
The paddler migration to Kansas has begun, as the race is now 2 days away. Rumor has it Mark & Jack were looking at scoring extra points with race organizers by helping with foster dog shuttle services across the country (Idaho)? More to come on that. Michigan is living up to its reputation as a paddling machine factory, as half the Nightspirtsix crew are all Michiganders. Almost 4 centuries (389 years to be exact) worth of paddling talent in the OC-6 alone! Mike Smith reports from the field that the river is “cooking!” River speed is going to be a factor with water levels being much higher (projected to be @ 65.6kcfs) than average. This will make for some great finish times. If their not getting excited by now, check for a pulse. 

~Guest bloggers Pat, Stacy & Michael

Mike Bradford, Justin, Janet Bradford & Everett Crozier
Mike Smith, Mike Bradford & Toby Niper

1 comment:

Robin said...

No rumor. Mark and Jack did earn lots of karma points by taking a rescue dog from the Lansing MI area to the Chicago area. From there, the dog will be transported to Des Moines IA where his new "mom" will drive in from Twin Falls, ID to get him. A huge thank you from Belgian Malinois Rescue to the two of them. It's got to count for something!